Digital Futures should we be regulating AI or banning Chat GPT? In creating, training and using these models, OpenAI and its biggest investors have poured billions into these projects. In the long-run, it could easily be a worthwhile investment, setting OpenAI up at the forefront of AI creative tools. Two areas the model has proved…

Chatbots In eCommerce: The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce Chatbots Leveraging an AI chatbot for eCommerce leads to greater convenience and reduced costs for both the companies and the customers. The pricing for Botsify’s chatbot platform offers different plans to cater to various needs. Do It Yourself ($49/month) is designed for personal use, while Done for…

Chatbot for Real Estate Agents Applications, Benefits and Bot Template Additionally, chatbots can reach out to clients via email or text about promotions on properties or campaigns for rental homes. You can also use real estate texting software to nurture your leads. Chatbots in real estate can respond to users immediately after they visit. This…